Lawrence Henry Gobble
~Licensed Massage Therapist~
~Licensed Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist~
~Healing Channel~Reiki Master Teacher~
~Intuitive Practitioner~Animal Communication~Meditation Guide~
~Licensed Louisiana Minster~
Lawrence was born in September of 1963 in Deming New Mexico. There has always been a connection to nature, healing and nurturing.
Lawrence has always had a sense of the healing powers of touch. From holding a newborn baby, to comforting one who is sad, to massage someone's shoulder and neck to get rid of a headache. In 1994 he took a six week course in "The Basics of Massage" that was geared to teach someone to massage their friends and family. He then got a massage table and started doing that, massaging friends and family. It was something he enjoyed doing so much that he finally decided to take the time off and go back to school to become a Licensed Massage Therapist and Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist.
In July of 2005 Lawrence was encouraged to do self hypnosis to discover some direction and/or insight. It was the doorway to connecting with his Spirit Guide, but just the beginning. In August of that same year he spoke with an intuitive who said there were two spirit guides and one was a Native American, His name is Tabunda/Jack Rabbit. He also had confirmation (for the 5th time from an intuitive) that he is a healer and has Healing Hands.
September 14, 1963
Leo Moon ~ Virgo Sun
David and Wanda Jo
Howard, Claud and Cathey
Height = 6'3"
Weight = 230
Hair = Red
Eyes = Blue
New Orleans Resident = 1990 - 1999 and 2004 - present
In 2006 he was attuned as a Reiki Practitioner and changed the direction of his life, opening doors of possibility in miraculous healing through compassion and love. In subsequent years he has been attuned at the next two levels and is now a Reiki Master Teacher.
He was also introduced to Native American Medicine Cards and Animal Medicine, which is an ongoing teacher and divination in his daily life. Through meditation and distance Reiki Healing, Journey Meditation became a powerful tool in his own growth and healing. In 2008 this amazing modality began naturally fitting into many of his healing sessions and the results have been transformational.
Lawrence has always been a kindred spirit with animals. Today he is surrounded by animals in his home, and talks with them regularly. He also spends time in New Mexico, on his sister’s mountainside home, and in Florence, Texas, at his brother’s ranch. Many of the animals at the ranch came from Lawrence’s home where they were raised, including emus, turkeys, guineas, chickens and the like. Through the Native American beliefs of all things being our teachers and bringing us messages from the Great Spirit he first began looking for those messages and finding them EVERYWHERE! Now through trance meditation and intuition he communicates directly with animal spirits to find out what is going on with them. Sometimes these animals become channels for other spirits with messages or guide signs to his journey or the journey of the people they live with.
He became a Minister with the Universal Life Church in January of 2006. The Universal Life Church represents freedom, and to have freedom you cannot make demands upon individuals. In the Universal Life Church Monastery everyone is equal – each individual enjoys the same level of greatness. We are non-denominational and support a full spectrum interfaith ministry. We share respect, wealth, power and influence in the world through the power of heaven as you choose to believe. Your beliefs count in the ULC. We are all children of the same universe. All that we ask is for you to promote the freedom of and from religion and to “Do that which is Right.” It is up to each individual to determine what is right as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others and is within the law.
Lawrence is committed to healing those around him, the city of New Orleans and the world at large. He believes that life is a miracle, and the miracle is that this healing is absolutely possible, one person at a time.
New Orleans, LA Healer 2008